Sunday 22 May 2016

Cadbury Brownies

Hello everyone! With the purchase of my new electric whisk and a lot of spare time on my hands I have made Cadbury Chocolate Brownies with a white chocolate drizzle. They were super yummy and really easy to make, recipe below if you are interested :).

  • 200g of chocolate (dark or milk, I used milk)
  • White chocolate (you don't need a huge amount)
  • 40g of coco powder
  • 175g unsalted butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 75g plain flour

  1. Preheat oven to 180 ⁰C, gas mark 4 and then line your tin with baking parchment and grease, make sure you grease the tine well as they are a bugger to get out if the stick!
  2. Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl, I did this in a microwave just stirring it every 20 seconds so it doesn't burn.
  3. Whisk the eggs and sugar until thick and creamy whilst the chocolate mixture is cooling. Make sure its cool when you poor the eggs in otherwise they will scramble!
  4. Sift in the flour fold in slowly before pouring it into your tine. Bake for 25-30 minutes. The top should be crusty with a slight wobble underneath.
  5. Once completely cooled (mine took about an hour) melt some white chocolate in the microwave just like before and with a spoon drizzle it over the top. Stick in the fridge for an hour or two then slice.
  7. Speak soon

Monday 28 March 2016

Things to know about American Summer Camp!

For the last two years this has been the time of the year I have been preparing to travel to America to live for four months at a summer camp. However this year I have unfortunately joined the real world and won't be going back to the U, S of A - for this summer at least. With this in mind I thought I would create a top ten list of things you should be thinking of before you go.

1. Try and get as much information of what camp is actually like. This may seem obvious  -there is a lot of information (just like this list on the internet) however most of it won't be applicable to your personal experience and your camp. When I got signed up to camp I got sent a lovely welcome pack from my director that included the words such as 'basic', 'forest' and 'rural' in the description of camp it's self. Now, I knew it would be country, I knew it would be a forest and I knew I would be sleeping in a cabin. I did not however expect what I walked into. There was communal showers (expected but still grim), toilets that were separated by shower curtains with no doors, snakes in the woods, cabins with two light bulbs and two plug sockets (for 5 staff members and 5 campers) and a general lack of internet or phone signal to the outside world.  This is of course not explained the welcome pack, because no one would turn up, however I was shocked, jet lagged and homesick when I first turned up to camp so it did not go down well. HOWEVER after a week I had settled in fine (still not doing more than a number one in the toilets) and was loving it. If your camp was like mine it will be fine I promise, and you will get used to it quicker than you expect but I know personally I would like to have known the real deal. Ask returning staff members - they'll give you the full story.

2. Take a backpack not a suitcase, especially if you are travelling after camp. Suitcase's are a pain and cause you to over pack. A suitcase is fine when you first turn up to camp and are greeted with your fellow camp staff to transport you. However once you leave camp and are left to fend for yourself suitcase's are just a hassle to drag through the streets and on and off trains. Back packs are heavy but are worth it.

3. Don't book your travel after camp before you go. If you are making the most of your 30 days after camp don't make any solid plans. Have a list of places you want to see but wait until you meet some friends out there. It's more fun travelling in a group and cheaper too! My first year I traveled with a group of 9 including me and it was a blast. Nothing was planned until about two weeks until we was going to leave camp. My second year I traveled with my boyfriend (who I met at camp in 2014) and we didn't plan anything until we were at camp. 

4. Buy cheap clothes. You will be covered in paint, shaving foam, food, snot and mud. Don't buy nice clothes. Buy shorts the more 'mom' the better - nothing that's going to ride up and your constantly adjusting. Plain logo tshirts are perfect - not too many though as you'll get a load from camp and end up buying loads over there. You'll only need one or two pairs of jeans and jogging bottoms and a couple of pairs of trainers. Pack a few nicer dresses and tops for nights off and after camp but don't let them take up too much room in your backpack as you wont wear them much. Oh, and if you're female and reading this - take a stack of sports bras, you will need them!

5. This is a cheesy one - be prepared to let yourself go. Now, as a non swimmer/non sports playing girl this was the hardest for me. I hate sport, I hate water and I hate team activity (how did I end up going to camp?) You have to get involved or you will hate it. There will be times during staff training/orientation there will be so many team building games that if you're like me you will be so anxious about however, the more you forget your nerves about messing up or looking silly the more you will enjoy. The place I found this hardest was in the 'pool program' every day, I can't swim, hate water and have refused to go into a swimming pool until about 2 years ago. Every day we had to take our campers to the pool and it was nerve wrecking for me, but because I tried and hardly ever didn't go to the pool program I felt proud of myself every day. There is no other place like camp in the world and you will regret it if you don't throw yourself into it.

6. Don't think your only job is a camp councilor. In my first year I was a social media assistant and photographer. It was a great job and I loved it. If you're reading this and are unsure if you could go to camp and be a councilor ask about other jobs, camps are always looking for different skills and positions. Don't be afraid to ask!

7. Be prepared to forget about the real world. Camp is a bubble, you will loose track with home and it'll be great. Lack of internet and phones means you wont know every movement of everyone back home. It's a refreshing break. I loved the chance it allowed me to get back to pen and paper and write letters and post cards to everyone back home.

8. The food most likely wont be great - it'll be beige and similar to school dinners but remember it's all for the kids. It's there break away from home and they love they can eat cheeseburgers at lunch and cheeseburgers for dinner. Forget about healthy eating and your waistline it'll go out of the window. Coupled with that all the amazing restaurants you may come home a dress size bigger - but it's fine. It's fun and 100% worth it.

9.  Eat your weight in odourless garlic. You will get bitten alive by bugs, you will pack bug spray and it will work for 10 minutes. Start buying these vitamins and taking them for a month before you fly and whilst your out there, They'll save you from the itching and scars. Life savers for 99p.

10. Enjoy the most tiring and exhausting 3 months of your life. Its the hardest job you'll ever love. I wish I could go back and do my first summer all over again. It's amazing and will forever be your camp.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

January Thoughts

January seems to be a mixed month for people, some people love the fresh start whilst some people can't cope with Christmas being over and the frosty mornings. Usually i'm one of the people that love it. For the last three years of being at University January meant a nice new diary, a fresh start on assignments and a massive catch up with my flatmates. January 2015 has been my first January as graduate and I feel I have entered it without much excitement but a feeling of contentment. With this in mind I have decided not to have any New Year Resolutions this year but more of a 'giant to do list' instead. I want to accomplish things that I have been stopping and starting whilst being at university and I want to finally wipe them off my 'to do list of life' so to speak. They are as follows:

Learn Some New Skills
These skills are quite big skills to be doing all at once, but it keeps my occupied as my social life seems to have dipped since moving back home after university. I am learning to drive, again, but with renewed hope that I may be passed by April, my theory test is being booked in this month so hopefully passing that will be another step in the right direction. Secondly, I am improving my swimming skills. I am a very basic swimmer, I'm nervous, don't like being splashed, open water or going underneath very much. I have just started taking swimming lessons with an instructor who I really like who will hopefully grow my confidence for the approaching summer.

Visit and Work in America Again
Last summer I had the amazing privilege of working in the AMAZING Camp Greentop as a Media Specialist and I loved it. With the job market being as terrible as it is in the UK at the moment I have decided to go and work in America again. I said last year that last summer would of been my only chance to visit America for nearly 4 months but life is never what you expect so I'm taking the plunge and going again.

Talk to a Career Adviser
I was a regular visitor of my university career adviser and really think I gained a lot of knowledge from her. Whilst I am not in the position of being able to talk to her now, I am planning on using January as my way to breathe some fresh air into my job search. I really feel like I'm becoming stuck in a rut in my job hunt for a graduate position and I just think I need a bit of a pep talk to get me excited about being a graduate again and not just focusing on the fact I'm unemployed!

Have you got any New Years Resolutions this year?

Thursday 6 November 2014

17 Stay Time Primer Review

I hold my hands up, I'm not loyal to any make up apart from foundation (Rimmel Match Perfection has stolen my heart). I'm also not loyal to a routine, some day it'll be a BB cream day, some day i'll wear eye shadow and eyeliner and some days I'll wing it with concealer and my eyebrows. One product I've never truly loved using is primer, now don't get my wrong I've been through a few ranging from high end Benefit products to drug store Rimmel ones. However over the last couple of weeks I've been applying a certain product on a daily basis because I am just so impressed! That product is 'Stay Time Long Wear Primer' by 17.

I really noticed how great it was this week at Alton Towers. Theme parks are usually a nemesis for my oily skin, my make up falls off on a normal day let alone running around a theme park! I packed my 'small' make up bag for the day which included all my face and eye make up. However, after a couple of hours in the park I noticed my make up didn't really need topping up. Yes my lipstick needed a little something, and I had to tidy up my eyeliner slightly but apart from that my make up looked impressive! This primer is a beautiful budget friendly product, if like me, you have a small budget and a face make up slides off. 

The Hype
'It's time that your make up had staying power!
This light liquid primer works as a glue to keep foundation on. And on. Make up stays put all day. It's time. Stay Time.'

Available at
Exclusively at Boots for £5.49...and 3for2 at the moment!

This is a great little product for those with a smaller budget but a need for long lasting make up. Working with food means my make up needs staying power to put up with high temperatures and lots of steam! I would recommend this to anyone looking for a primer but I suggest that those with dryer skin may feel this product may be a little harsh.

Friday 17 October 2014

Taking the Wheel!

I've been back from my summer in America for around 6 weeks now, and I am still struggling to adjust to 'real life' where my weekends aren't spent just 'popping' to New York. In an effort to become an adult (and to add to my CV) I decided to start my driving lessons again.

To cut a long story short I've been learning to drive on and off for two years. My lessons were stalled (no pun intended) with me going to university and the lack of support I felt from my previous instructor. With my confidence dented but my eagerness for a car and independence growing I felt it was time to get back behind the wheel.

Now don't get me wrong, I was nervous but I also come from the thought school that things that scare you are worth doing. So a couple of weeks ago I booked my first lesson with a new driving school and a new instructor. This time I did things on my own terms. Previously I was learning in a manual car with an instructor who was recommended to me, neither of these things I enjoyed, so this time I went for an automatic car with a instructor I knew nothing about...and things went well!

My instructor was calm, chatty and put me at ease. He seemed confident in my driving (even though I hadn't drove in 3 years) and boosted my self esteem. I even performed two three point turns and bay parked. Wow. Now I am aware this is only my first lessons but I am hoping this newly found confidence will allow me to be driving solo in the new year!

Wish me luck!

Monday 13 October 2014

10 Things Every Primark Shopper Experiences.

Ah, Primark, one of the staples of the British high street and also one of the only stores I know to give you an emotional roller coaster as soon as you enter through those doors. Here's just a few of the things you may recognize experiencing. 

1. The Excitement
If you're anything like me you can only cope with Primark once a month, so when you do head back through those doors the excitement overwhelms you. So many new clothes and pretty colors, where do you start?

2. Do I Need a Basket?
You ask yourself every time you enter the doors. No, you're only here for a few things you tell yourself...a basket leads to the loss of a month wages.

3. Why is it so busy, it's a *insert appropriate day here*.
Just accept whenever you go to Primark, it'll be busy. You will be pushed and shoved and there's nothing you can do about it.

4. There will be a crowd of boyfriends/husbands/fathers abandoned near the doors.
The male species just don't understand the pleasure of Primark, instead of dragging them around the 52 floors it's best just to leave them near a safe exit in case it all gets too much.

5. Halfway round the first floor you regret not getting a basket.
Already your left hand has become a claw trying to hold onto all the items you've picked up. At this moment you have one choice, you go back and get a basket or you carry on like a trooper. Neither is a good option at this point.

6. Customer Envy
You see customers walking round with items you haven't even seen. Where did they find these magical pieces, you make it your mission to find them.

7. Pop Culture Items
Recently Primark has become the one place to go if you need a pop culture t-shirt. Disney, One Direction, 90s Music and Emojis. You head into Primark with the intention of buying 'good staple pieces' and you end up in a fight with a 12 year old for that last Harry Styles t-shirt.

8. Basket Glee
You're heading to the end of your experience in Primark and the heavy basket in the crook of your elbow is proof of the time and effort you've put into shopping this afternoon. You should feel guilty spending half of your wages, but your not. You are SO happy.

9. The Queue
Your joy soon turns into horror as you see the queue. You can't see the start and you can't find the end, all you can see if a forever winding sea of people. Is all this worth it? Of course it is! I've got 5 dresses for £20 you reason with yourself, but halfway through the queue you question even your own sanity.

10. Leaving
It's over for now you sigh. You went to Primark and conquered! Until next time Primark, it's been great.

Monday 6 October 2014

30 Things to do Before I'm 30!

1. Invest in an amazing designer handbag, a quality 'every day' piece. Call me materialistic but a girl has got to have a bit of glamour.

2. Wear heels in the day, to work, like a proper business women.

3. Learn to walk in above heels, sober. The drunken hop, skip and shuffle I have learnt simply will not suffice in the office.

4. Have, or be in the beginnings of having my own business. 

5. Be in a job I enjoy, I'm not naive enough to believe that every day will be rainbows and happiness, but I like to believe one day I will work somewhere that doesn't involve wearing a cap and apron.

6. Own a fantastic bookcase...and fill it with all the books I love. I have no shame in my romance and chick-lit books.

7. Have a NYE in New York. Yes it's a cliche, yes it'll be busy BEYOND relief...but all those lights, the excitement and NEW YORK.
8. See Britney Spears live...before she gets too old and past it.

9. Take my Mom on holiday...she deserves it!

10. Learn 10 great 'baking recipes'. I know my way around the kitchen but baking sweet goods seems to be my nemesis.

11. Fall head over heels in love.

12. Go on a totally cliched romantic weekend away in Paris.

13. Have a totally over the top Valentine's Day too!

14. Learn to love Christmas...I enjoy it don't get me wrong but i'd love to have that pure passion and excitement some people have!

15. Take my kids (!) or some kids to Disneyland Paris at Halloween and remember the magic all over again.

16. Go on a fantastic holiday with my boys.

17. Learn to ride a bike.

18. Learn to swim.

19. See the west coast of America.

20. TRAVEL...just see...stuff!

21. Go to a wedding dress shop and try on the dresses with no intention of buying.

22. Leave a massive tip for someone who works in a customer facing job. I've done it for's hard and difficult. Retail workers need a raise!

23. Learn a new language.

24. Have my own 'place' or buy.

25. Decorate my own place from ceilings to floor.

26. Bake someone an amazing birthday cake.

27. Get fit.

28. Own a Mini Cooper

29. Live by the sea.

30. Live in London for a year!