Friday 17 October 2014

Taking the Wheel!

I've been back from my summer in America for around 6 weeks now, and I am still struggling to adjust to 'real life' where my weekends aren't spent just 'popping' to New York. In an effort to become an adult (and to add to my CV) I decided to start my driving lessons again.

To cut a long story short I've been learning to drive on and off for two years. My lessons were stalled (no pun intended) with me going to university and the lack of support I felt from my previous instructor. With my confidence dented but my eagerness for a car and independence growing I felt it was time to get back behind the wheel.

Now don't get me wrong, I was nervous but I also come from the thought school that things that scare you are worth doing. So a couple of weeks ago I booked my first lesson with a new driving school and a new instructor. This time I did things on my own terms. Previously I was learning in a manual car with an instructor who was recommended to me, neither of these things I enjoyed, so this time I went for an automatic car with a instructor I knew nothing about...and things went well!

My instructor was calm, chatty and put me at ease. He seemed confident in my driving (even though I hadn't drove in 3 years) and boosted my self esteem. I even performed two three point turns and bay parked. Wow. Now I am aware this is only my first lessons but I am hoping this newly found confidence will allow me to be driving solo in the new year!

Wish me luck!

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