Monday 13 October 2014

10 Things Every Primark Shopper Experiences.

Ah, Primark, one of the staples of the British high street and also one of the only stores I know to give you an emotional roller coaster as soon as you enter through those doors. Here's just a few of the things you may recognize experiencing. 

1. The Excitement
If you're anything like me you can only cope with Primark once a month, so when you do head back through those doors the excitement overwhelms you. So many new clothes and pretty colors, where do you start?

2. Do I Need a Basket?
You ask yourself every time you enter the doors. No, you're only here for a few things you tell yourself...a basket leads to the loss of a month wages.

3. Why is it so busy, it's a *insert appropriate day here*.
Just accept whenever you go to Primark, it'll be busy. You will be pushed and shoved and there's nothing you can do about it.

4. There will be a crowd of boyfriends/husbands/fathers abandoned near the doors.
The male species just don't understand the pleasure of Primark, instead of dragging them around the 52 floors it's best just to leave them near a safe exit in case it all gets too much.

5. Halfway round the first floor you regret not getting a basket.
Already your left hand has become a claw trying to hold onto all the items you've picked up. At this moment you have one choice, you go back and get a basket or you carry on like a trooper. Neither is a good option at this point.

6. Customer Envy
You see customers walking round with items you haven't even seen. Where did they find these magical pieces, you make it your mission to find them.

7. Pop Culture Items
Recently Primark has become the one place to go if you need a pop culture t-shirt. Disney, One Direction, 90s Music and Emojis. You head into Primark with the intention of buying 'good staple pieces' and you end up in a fight with a 12 year old for that last Harry Styles t-shirt.

8. Basket Glee
You're heading to the end of your experience in Primark and the heavy basket in the crook of your elbow is proof of the time and effort you've put into shopping this afternoon. You should feel guilty spending half of your wages, but your not. You are SO happy.

9. The Queue
Your joy soon turns into horror as you see the queue. You can't see the start and you can't find the end, all you can see if a forever winding sea of people. Is all this worth it? Of course it is! I've got 5 dresses for £20 you reason with yourself, but halfway through the queue you question even your own sanity.

10. Leaving
It's over for now you sigh. You went to Primark and conquered! Until next time Primark, it's been great.

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